Thursday, January 29, 2009

Planetary Herbology or Psyching out Diabetes

Planetary Herbology: An Integration of Western Herbs into the Traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic Systems

Author: Michael Tierra

A major work integrating the herbal traditions of the East with those of the West by the bestselling author of "The Way of Herbs." This practical handbook and reference guide is a landmark publication in this field. For unprecedented usefulness in practical applications, the author provides a comprehensive listing of the more than 400 medicinal herbs available in the west, classified according to their chemical constituents, properties and actions, indicated uses and suggested dosages.

Library Journal

Presented here are two books that address the healing qualities of herbs. The New Age Herbalist is an attempt to ``form a bridge between orthodox medicine and herbalism . . . .'' The authors believe that no herbalists should regard their treatment as beyond scientific explanation and analysis . . . .'' The attractive book has many black-and-white drawings and color photos which clearly show the various parts of each herb described. The ``glossary'' of herbs is designed to be used with chapters on nutrition, healing, and body and home care; it also has a section on growing herbs. The authors provide basic psychological information and practical advice on using herbs, and include recipes for both foods and household preparations. A good, comprehensive work with sound advice on what conditions are treatable herbally, and when to obtain traditional medical treatment. Tierra, author of The Way of Herbs ( LJ 10/1/80), has compiled an impressive work that covers the philosophies of traditional Eastern herbal medicine along with describing the herbs and their uses. He compares these systems to Western herbal traditions, aiming at a synthesis to create a ``planetary'' herbalism. Tierra's basic assumptions, that because the Eastern systems have existed for centuries, they must work, and that ``all plants must have potential therapeutic application,'' are unproven and probably unprovable. He sees herbalism as a religion of nature, intuitive rather than precise and scientific. The book may be of interest to Eastern herbalism researchers, but not for the practical herbalist, as the information is often contradictory or of marginal use.-- Katharine Galloway Gartska, Intergraph Corp., Huntsville, Ala.

Book about: Mastering Perl for Bioinformatics or Writing for the Information Age

Psyching out Diabetes: A Positive Approach to Your Negative Emotions

Author: Richard L Rubin

This book examines the psychological obstacles of diagnosis such as panic, fear, anger, shame, and guilt and how to put them into perspective. Through proper maintenance, diet, and education, this book is tailor-made for the diabetic or anyone with a diabetic in their life who wants to overcome the negative emotions associated with this disease and learn the coping skills necessary to integrate diabetes into their daily life.

Richard R. Rubin, Ph.D., C.D.E., is a faculty member of the Johns Hopkins Medical School.

June Biermann and Barbara Toohey are publishers of the Diabetic Reader and coauthors of eight other books on diabetes.

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